
10th Grade Projects

Here, you can find all of the projects have done in the 10th grade.

10th Grade Entry 1

My first semester has been a very big learning experience for me, especially in writing and explaining. The projects that had the biggest effect on me this semester was in both language arts, and in math. In language arts, we had two projects that tested my writing abilities. The first of these projects was the individual’s role project, where we had to write an informative essay about what we thought an individual’s role in society is. The second language arts project was the prologue project, where we had to write a prologue/epilogue about a class reading. In math, we did the parabola poster project, where we had to explain the math behind a parabola and demonstrate a real-life parabola. To learn more about this, click on the image below to read my entire entry one presentation.

The title page of my manifesto. Read more about it by clicking on the image.

10th Grade Entry 2

During this school year, I had many experiences that peaked my interest in many career fields. To learn more about these experiences, click on the image below to view my entry two presentation.
Concrete meets bricks

An image of my science fair project. Red more about it by clicking on the image

Quote of the day: "No man - no problem." - Joseph Stalin