

The place to find all the Projects I have done over the years.

What Is Project Based Learning?

Project-Based Learning (PBL) is a way of learning, by puting students in real-world scenarios, and letting them learn how to accomplish the goal. Almost all of our learning here at the Dayton Regional STEM School is project-based. PBL prepares students for the real world, as it teaches students to think as adults trying to solve the problem.

8th Grade

If you want to see all The projects I have done in the 8th Grade, click the link.
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9th Grade

If you want to see all The projects I have done in the 9th Grade, click the link.
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10th Grade

If you want to see all The projects I have done in the 10th Grade, click the link.
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11th Grade

If you want to see all The projects I have done in the 11th Grade, click the link.
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12th Grade

If you want to see all The projects I have done in the 12th Grade, click the link.
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The 5 Qualities

The Dayton Regional STEM School has 5 qualities that all students try to achieve. Here is a brief explanation of each one!


Inquiry is any process that has the target of gaining knowledge, finding answers, or solving a problem. We use Inquiry at The Dayton regional STEM School by learning by asking questions instead of having to memorize stuff.
Concrete meets bricks


Persistence is an ambition to reach an end goal or dream. We use persistence at The Dayton Regional STEM School by trying our hardest even when something is very difficult.

Concrete meets bricks


Collaboration is working with others. We use collaboration at The Dayton Regional STEM School when we work as as a group in a project.
Concrete meets bricks


Creativity is the use of imagination to create something. We use Creativity at The Dayton Regional STEM School when we create things in our projects.

Concrete meets bricks


Communication is a form of conveying information to others. We use communication at The Dayton Regional STEM School when we share what we learned about.
Concrete meets bricks

Which Quality Have I Grown the Most In?

I think the quality I have grown in the most is communication. I used to be very shy and did not talk to many people. After I came to the Dayton Regional STEM School, I became much more social.

Quote of the day: "Horses are often Brown" - Tom Phillips

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