Portfolio | Antoine Gagne

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In what projects have you excelled in this year?


In what projects have you exceled in this year?

        To excel means to go above and beyond, like trying to get extra credit, or just trying as hard as you can just for fun. Say you have a project that involves a lot of creativity, and you want to do something that is easy, and meets all the criteria, but you decide to do something more difficult just to challenge yourself. One project I think I exceled in this year was the 3D printing project in Engineering. This project involved us using inventor to CAD something to 3D print. The object had to be functional, but aesthetically creative, and had to use multiple different tools in Autodesk Inventor. My first design was functional, but did not look good aesthetically, so I tried again, and I made a hedgehog. While we only had to use a few of the tools for the project, I used all of them. I also was one of the first ones to get mine 3D printed. My CAD files show that I used all of the tools we could use in the project, and my final version showed that I was able to successfully 3D print the model, and that it works as a USB holder. I think my previous CAD skills helped me a lot in this project, as I was already familiar with most of the tools from a class I took in 7th grade at my old school. Throughout my life, I was good at coming up with creative designs, but this was the first time I was actually able to create a real design, and have it created. Another project I exceled in this year was the Car project, which was also in engineering. The purpose of the Car Project was to reverse engineer an Automoblox Car into inventor and have an accurate model. This was a group project, and I worked with Victor Nusekabel. Since I had previous CAD experience, I was challenged to reverse engineer a car with a trailer and the motorcycle. The first thing we did was to hand draw technical drawings of the car with all the dimensions needed. This initially took a long time, but eventually, we got some very good drawings. We then used the technical drawings in inventor to create the CAD model. We were able to create the car and the trailer, but we ran out of time for the motorcycle, but I think I could do it. I think our group did so well because Victor and I are good friends and were able to work efficiently. I feel that in these two projects that I went above and beyond the requirements and was able to get a good final product.

My USB holder for the 3D Printing Project. (His name is Harold)

A CAD Model of our car from the car project.