Portfolio | Antoine Gagne

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Portfolio | Fourth Paragraph

In what projects have you grown in this year?

In what projects have you grown in this year?


        This year, I have grown a lot in terms of both art, and creativity. One project I think I grew in the most was the colored pencil project. The colored pencil project was where we had to create a pattern using stencils, and color it in with colored pencils. At first, we used graph paper, but for our final, we used leger paper. At first, I had trouble with getting all the required shape transformations for the project, but I tried multiple times, and eventually, I got the right stuff. I also struggled because I had broken my arm, and that made it very difficult to color in. By the end of the project, I think that I got a really good result, and I think I grew a lot in this project. Another project I grew in was the Silent Film Project. For this project, we had to make a silent film about industrialization and progressivism. At first, my group and I had trouble with coming up with a good script that fit the requirements. We were having trouble with writing and making realistic scenes that we could record. One thing that really helped was that Victor invited our group to his house to record, which really helped us get our script ready. By the end of the project, I think we got a really good script, and silent film. Overall, I grew a lot this year, and I was able to grow in creativity, and artistically.

A portion of my colored pencil pattern.

A scene from our silent film. (Factory worker being brutally injured in factory while boss forces him to continue working. Circa. 1898)